National Masturbation Month: We ask 5 group about slimy biscuits and other ‘group sports’
When it comes to self-pleasure, we organisation are sinister scumbags.
That goes though saying, really.
National Masturbation Month: Here’s because mutual masturbation is totally hot
In further to a possess mucky, solo, hand-shandies – frequently executed when you’re defunct subsequent to us I’m afraid, ladies – many (if not most) chaps have tugged a terrapin plainly in a association of pals.
All pulled together, we competence say. Pooled a resources.
So in a interests of scholarship and gruesome curiosity, recruited a row of seasoned onanists to get a lowdown on mass-turbation.
Beware: you’re about to go down a dark, NSFW rabbit hole, dear reader.
Those of we with a shaken disposition, or a proposal wisecrack reflex, competence wish to go and play with some kittens.
For those dauntless souls still with us, a methodology was to brand 5 graphic varieties of ‘team tug’, outline a rules, and see if a panelists have attempted them out, or had any thoughts on how they competence get on.
Are we sitting comfortably?
Then we’ll begin.
1. Soggy biscuit
The nation’s many scandalous masturbatory pastime: a spin of breathing degenerates dawn over a list with a biscuit in a centre in sequence to ejaculate on the, let’s say, ginger nut.
Last to finish scoffs a biscuit, green frosting and all.
Rick: ‘Surely that’s an civic legend, right?’
Greg: ‘I dunno, seems flattering good known. No throttle though fire, right? My doubt is: because would anyone make something like that up?’
Ollie: ‘It’s real. we played it, once, during school.’
Ted: ‘Posh school?’
Ollie: ‘Absolutely, it was a really posh school. One of a comparison chaps got reason of some brandy to liven adult an dusk of cards. Another kid constructed a biccie from somewhere – a digestive, we seem to remember – and we all usually burst on.’
Rick: ‘…how did we do?’
Ollie: ‘I won – which is to say, we didn’t lose. There are no winners.’
Paul: ‘Is a digestive a best choice? Of biscuit, we mean.’
Greg: ‘I design absorbency is a factor. A chocolate cloaking would positively help, and maybe some arrange of honeyed filling.’
Rick: ‘Jaffa cake then, innit.’
Ollie: ‘Ah, though is it technically a biscuit? The final thing you’d wish is some intelligent jerk proof it’s a cake. You’d have to start again from scratch.’
Rick: ‘God, and spin dual would take forever.’
2. Spuzzjar
A slow-burner, this one.
Whenever good pals accumulate to play FIFA or watch telly, and one fancies teasing a tamarind, a community ‘spuzzjar’ is constructed and handed reverently to him.
He retires to a bathroom, does his thing, and ejaculates into pronounced vessel.
Over days and weeks, a jar gradually fills.
When it’s around half full (or half empty, depending on your outlook) a squad lay in a spin and pass it around, any in spin stealing a lid and inhaling a toxic stink therein deeply.
First to chuck adult loses.
Ollie: ‘Wut.’
Paul: ‘Ugh.’
Rick: ‘Classic. we totally had a spuzzjar.’
Greg: ‘I remember your spuzzjar, Rick. What happened to it?’
Rick: ‘Mum knocked it off a bookshelf when she was powdering and it smashed.’
Ted: ‘No consternation your relatives pennyless up.’
Paul: ‘F***s sake, lads.’
3. Figurines
A 21st-century further to a team-tug canon, a ‘cumming on figurines’ transformation is charmingly suggestive of postal chess – in that it moves during a noble gait of correspondence.
Guys, customarily comic-book aficionados, lovingly spooge over their many cherished movement figurines, afterwards share photos (or *shudder* videos) over a internet for their handiwork to be critically evaluated by a forum of peers.
Rick: ‘OK, you’ve finally mislaid me dude.’
Ollie: ‘Just… why?
Greg: ‘I listened about this uncanny f***er on 4Chan. He kept a My Little Pony figurine in a potion jar, and spent months patiently perplexing to drown it in cum, one emanate during a time,
Ted: ‘Please stop, mate.’
Greg: ‘It gets worse. He fundamentally succeeded, drowning a contemptible organism in his w*** juice. Then one day, he absent-mindedly stashed it too tighten to a radiator…’
Rick: ‘Enough, dude.’
Greg: ‘…and finished adult literally broiling a bad Pony – ‘Rainbow Dash’, we trust – in spunk. To a indicate his jizz indeed caramelised, and incited brown.’
Ted: [is forced to leave a room]
4. Jizz Derby
Comparatively vanilla, this one: dual or some-more pugilists kick themselves off, initial to finish wins.
Paul: ‘Pretty standard.’
Greg: ‘Yeah, one of my favourite pieces about flourishing adult was training that there was zero to be ashamed of, and we fundamentally all do it.’
Rick: ‘There’s a whole practice around Jizz Derby that we find fascinating. You ideally wish to have porn on, so it doesn’t take ages, though we don’t wish to see any other.’
Ollie: ‘I remember doing it on a lounge in front of a telly, my partner fibbing behind a lounge with usually his conduct adhering out. We both had a transparent perspective of a porn, though not any other’s gurning chops. Honestly, it stays to this day a slightest faffy, many concordant passionate knowledge of my whole life.’
Rick: ‘Amen to that. We were all winners.’
5. The grave club
Believe it or not, actual masturbation clubs exist for gents to go along and throttle a duck in a friendly, non-competitive and protected setting.
Ollie: [gets his phone out to google this] ‘Well. I’ll be damned.’
Ted: ‘I remember people articulate about them behind home in Melbourne. It’s lovable really; for guys who aren’t indispensably gay, though usually like to get off in a association of men.’
Ollie: ‘Just found one nearby here [in Mile End]. Ha, it says ‘no dress code’.’
Rick: ‘Imagine removing incited divided from w***ing club. ‘Sorry sir, we don’t conclude your kind in here!’’
Paul: ‘I’d give it a miss. My favourite thing about jacking off is we get a bit of assent and still for 5 minutes.’
Ollie: [still reading his phone] ‘It says here it’s usually 6 quid entry, and that includes a drink.’
Paul: ‘That’s not bad for East London. F*** it, where do we pointer up?’
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